What is Content Marketing?

Most of us are able to articulate at least a vague definition of what marketing is - it’s about promoting your business and generating interest and sales in your products or services. You likely know it includes things like advertising and public relations. It also includes content marketing.

But what exactly is content marketing, and how should it fit into your overall business development strategy? 

Content Marketing Defined

At its most basic level, content marketing is all about providing value - and doing so through relevant content that educates, informs and inspires. It’s best used consistently and strategically. 

The most effective content marketing approaches share a few things in common. One of which is they create a clear path to purchase for your customers. This is done by crafting a collection of helpful resources designed to gently, ever-so-gently nudge prospective customers toward the finish line (and beyond).

Here is an example illustrating the progression of a basic content marketing campaign:

Let’s say a potential client lands on your blog after conducting a Google search for “how to clean my gutters and downspouts.” They carefully read your post (you have them glued to each and every word - excellent job!). 

Then they see you have even more insight to offer. At the end of your blog, you direct them to download a guide called: “The Ultimate Gutter Cleaning and Maintenance Guide.” 

This leaves them pleasantly ‘wowed’ and much more informed than they were prior to finding your website. They head outside and attempt to put some of your tips into practice only to discover, lo and behold, cleaning gutters is hard work! 

They jump back onto your website and click “Contact Us.” After you complete work on their property, you follow up with an email offering a few more ongoing maintenance tips and tricks as well as a link for them to post a review (in case they feel so inclined). More business flows in as a result of another happy customer’s glowing review, and the cycle continues.

The Benefits of Content Marketing

While content marketing may require some patience to see results, the effort is well worth the time and investment. Businesses with blogs see 67 percent more leads compared to their competitors without blogs, and search engines like Google tend to reward your efforts handsomely by moving you closer and closer to the top of the search results. 

Moreover, when your content is consistently useful, you’ll establish trust with your readers and make them turn to you first when they have a problem that needs solving.

So how about you? Is content marketing a problem you’d like help solving? If so, I’m happy to help. Feel free to drop me a line or ask a question anytime.